Top 5 Qualifiers for Quality Children's Ministers

by Chad Hunsberger on July 26, 2021

I consider it a wonderful blessing to serve alongside one of the most gifted children’s ministers I have ever met. Barbra Brown is talented in many ways and certainly has these 5 qualities.  I am forever thankful for the impact she has had on my children.  Not to mention that just this week, as Barbara moves into a new role here at our church, Gretchen Mahan was affirmed by our church to step into this role.  I am filled with joy and excitement as we look to the days ahead for Gretchen to serve kids and their families.  There is no doubt in my mind that Gretchen holds the following qualities as well.

  1.     Able to teach the Bible to children – This is a non-negotiable.  As a minister of the gospel, the children’s minister must have this skill set.
  2.   Able to display joy – Joy must be exemplified in every aspect of this ministry.  Kids can see fake and they will not want to continue if what they are experiencing is not genuine.
  3.   Able to be an adult – While sometimes acting silly like a kid and having lots of fun is helpful, it also must be clear who the adult is in the room.
  4.   Able to train adults – The children’s minister is only one person and will need others around to help.  In order for this to happen best, the children’s minister must be able to train other leaders.
  5.   Able to equip parents – Finally, a children’s minister is a supplement to what is happening at home.  Therefore, he/she must be one who is equipping parents to better disciple their children.

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