

Who We Are

In an age where we need to know what we believe and why, the College 
& Career Ministry looks to God's Word to inform a biblical worldview that will be helpful during the college years and beyond. 

The College & Career Ministry meets on Sundays at 11 AM in The Loft (2nd floor of Building B). Our college students first meet in a large group for solid, biblical teaching and then break up into smaller huddle groups to connect with peers and build strong community. Our Career Life Group is comprised of single 21- to 25-year-olds that are either attending grad school or starting their professional career. 

Throughout the week, we offer smaller Bible study gatherings. While still biblically rooted and guided by a curriculum, these groups are discussion-based and aimed at assisting in applying Scripture to our everyday lives.

Our church family also offers our students and young professionals many opportunities to serve within the church, our local community, and to the ends of the earth.

Schools Represented

Ballet Magnificat, Belhaven University, Hinds Community College, Holmes Community College, Mississippi College, Mississippi State University, University of Mississippi, University of Mississippi Medical Center, University of Southern Mississippi, William Carey University

Upcoming Events

Weekly Bible Studies:

  • Monday Nights | 7-8 PM | Starting September 11 | Madison 
  • Wednesday Nights | 7-8 PM | Starting September 13 | CHBC 


Jerry Welch

Family Discipleship Pastor

office: (601) 956-5000

mobile: (601) 826-9910