Global Discipleship

It is the role and responsibility of the church to send out laborers into the harvest of lost souls. It is necessary to follow the Great Commission in the local neighborhood and in all nations. All church members are called to fulfill the command of Jesus through personal evangelism and discipleship. Additionally, some are called to serve as missionaries to effectively plant churches where the gospel has not yet been preached.

Local Ministries

From your own neighborhood to Ridgeland and the surrounding areas, there are opportunities to share your faith or love your neighbor. Some of the ways Colonial Heights has served locally consist of:  Tutoring students at nearby Ann Smith Elementary, prayer walking nearby neighborhoods, sharing the gospel with prisoners, volunteering at the Center for Pregnancy Choices.

Local Missions

Global Partnerships


The Vogt family was sent to coastal France in the spring of 2023 with the short-term goal of achieving proficiency in the French language as they supported the work of a local church. The long-term goal is to plant a new church to the east of their city with a focus on reaching North Africans that have settled in the area. Colonial Heights supports the Vogts in a variety of ways including a CARE Team, short-term ministry trips, and prayer.

SE Asia

In the spring of 2024, Colonial Heights sent the M family to Southeast Asia to begin acquiring culture and language proficiency in their new national language. Once this is complete, they will begin the processes of relocating to an area with an unreached language group, starting a new business to support the community, and beginning the lengthy process of evangelism, discipleship, and church planting. Please join us in praying for these goals!


Colonial Heights and Global CODE Ministries in Honduras share a common vision to see healthy, gospel-centered churches thriving across the countryside. We support the Acosta family through prayer and short-term ministry teams as they equip and disciple young pastors and church planters to fulfill the Great Commission.


Colonial Heights has engaged in a disciple-making relationship with 20schemes. Their desire is to see Scotland’s housing schemes transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ through the revitalization and planting of gospel-preaching churches, ultimately led by a future generation of indigenous church leaders. We currently partner with Hope Community Church in Edinburgh led by Gerald White, and Harestanes Baptist Church in Kirtintilloch led by Lewis Macaulay. Visit to learn more about how you can support this ministry.


The F family is currently participating in a training program that will result in specific skills designed to prepare them to go to an unreached language group in the future. The three of them are focusing their training in the area of Culture & Language Acquisition (CLA). They are scheduled to complete their training in 2025 and begin the process, along with the leadership of their church, in identifying where they will be sent.

W Asia

In a rare opportunity, Colonial Heights has the privilege of sending 2 families to the same cross-cultural context. In 2025, the K family will begin a year-long training program designed to equip them to be part of a church planting team amongst an unreached language group. The E family, having served previously in Africa, will join the staff of the training center with a goal of equipping hundreds of global workers in the coming years! Join us in praying for both of these families and for the new churches that will be planted as a result of these efforts!

Middle East

The Middle East is not just a challenging place for global workers, but it can be particularly challenging for a single female. In 2023, D served for a year teaching English, learning Arabic, and sharing her faith as personal relationships allowed. Colonial Heights has sent D back to the Middle East to continue what she started and to join a long-term team in preparing new workers through Arabic language learning to prepare to make disciples and plant churches in the region.

We support our Global Partners through Prayer, Giving, and Going. Click below to see what opportunities are available to "Go" for a short-term with one of our partners.

Click here!

It's not unusual to have questions about serving Internationally, especially if this will be your first trip.

Find Answers

If you are thinking that God may be calling you to serve mid-term or long-term in another context, we would like to talk with you.

I Think I Want To Go!


Kiley H

Global Discipleship Pastor

office: (601) 956-5000

mobile: (601) 573-4973

Drew Baum

Adult Discipleship Minister

office: (601) 956-5000

mobile: (601) 988-2757

Marsha Rossell

Discipleship Assistant

office: (601) 956-5000

mobile: (281) 610-6190