Give Financially
We believe that God wants us to invest in others according to what He has given to us. In fact, we believe that is really the only way for us to live a truly abundant life. We are blessed to be a blessing! Below, you will find ways to give time, talent, and treasure for the sake of the gospel in all the nations.
Give Online
Online giving is a safe and flexible option and the easiest way to give to Colonial Heights. This method allows you to schedule a recurring or one-time gift using a bank draft, credit card or debit card. If you choose to use your credit card, we encourage you to pay it off every month so not to accrue debt. Here you can easily manage your giving amount and specify where the funds should be applied.
Give Online
Time and Talent
Click on the link below, to fill out a form to get quick feedback on areas of service in and through Colonial Heights.
Sign Up To Serve
Once you've completed your form, get in touch with a staff member in the area in which you're interested in serving. Staff members will get you plugged in to any available opportunities in their ministry area. They may also be able to help you discover new areas of service beyond their ministry.
Preschool (Babies - Fours): Emily Barber
Children (Grades K-5): Gretchen Mahan
Students (Grades 6-12):
ord Rigney
College: Jerry Welch
Adults: Drew Baum
Senior Adults: Drew Baum
Worship & Music:
avid Leonard
Audio-Video-Lighting: David Leonard
First Connection Greeters: Jerry Welch
Hearts of Compassion Orphan Care: Jerry Welch
Child Protection First Policy
God has given us a great responsibility to provide for and protect those under our care. For that reason, we have many layers of security precautions that we use to best ensure the safety and security of minors as well as our leaders who work with minors. Everyone who works with minors are required to complete an application/interview process including a background check.