Sovereignty & Surgery

by Chad Hunsberger on October 12, 2021

Today is surgery number 14 for my Lottie. Every time we have one of these surgeries—no matter how serious, no matter how long, no matter how significant the recovery—she has two major emotions: fear and bravery.

Those may seem to be opposites, and in many ways they are. She is fearful of the unknown. What will it be like this time? What will it feel like when she wakes up? How much will it hurt? And sometimes she is nervous about what she does know. Waking up from anesthesia is not fun and casts can be annoying.

But she knows, as we do, that fear is not from the Lord (2 Timothy 1:7). So we pray asking God to help us trust in Him. (Psalm 56:3)

This is where her bravery kicks in. She isn’t courageous because the doctors are so great, even though they are. She isn’t strong because Mom and Dad are by her side, even though we are. She is brave because she trusts that God is sovereign (Colossians 1:16-17).

In fact, we discussed that very thing this morning. God is in control. He is the one ruler over all things. Nothing is outside His watch, and nothing out of His reach.

Whether the surgery is expected or emergency, God is sovereign. And His sovereignty applies to every area of life. He rules over your job that you no longer love. He rules over your marriage that you are striving to maintain. He rules over your children who are far from Him. He rules over every aspect of every life. He is sovereign, Lord over all.

If you are afraid, may it be brief. And may your bravery be found in the sovereignty of the perfect Lord of all.

Be Joyful,
Chad Hunsberger 

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