Focus Verse: Philippians 3:14-15

Philippians 3:14-15

by David Leonard on February 27, 2025

Philippians 3:14-15

One of the hallmark gestures at Alabama football games during Nick Saban’s tenure as head coach was players, coaches, and fans holding up four fingers during the timeout following the end of the third quarter. This served as a reminder that the fourth quarter was about to begin and that all the team’s training—throughout the offseason and each week—had led to this moment. They weren’t looking back at the last three quarters. The previous plays were not under review. They had a common goal and were prepared to do whatever it took to attain it.

Paul demonstrated a similar intense focus on what lay ahead of him. As a mature believer, profound teacher, dedicated church planter, and father of the early Church, he had every reason to boast about his accomplishments. Yet, in Philippians 3:14-15, he sets those things aside—not because they weren’t significant, but because he knew there was still more work to be done. Dwelling on the past would not propel him forward toward what God had for him.

Paul recognized that God had called him into the eternally significant work of proclaiming salvation through Christ. This calling required him to keep his eyes fixed on the future. God was still sanctifying him, still leading him to new places where Christ had yet to be named. He was allowing Paul to endure mocking, imprisonment, insults, and burdens of every kind so that he might become more like Jesus and continue preaching the gospel.

God has called all of us who believe into this same work—this same calling. It is a prize to be pursued and cherished.

We are not finished products. We are still being transformed into His likeness as His Spirit works within us. And as we are being changed, we are all called to proclaim Christ to those near and far.

Today, as you reflect on Paul’s words in Philippians 3, ask yourself:

  • How has God positioned me to preach Christ?
  • What am I holding on to in the present that I need to release in order to follow Him obediently?
  • What am I focusing on that is distracting me from pursuing Christ and proclaiming His gospel?

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