Is it actually a legitimate idea that our marriages can help spread the glory of God around the world? A Christ honoring marriage can only be brought about by those who truly love Christ. It could be argued, in fact, that a Christ honoring marriage can only be brought about by Christ Himself. With this thought in mind, and with the hope that my marriage is one that glorifies God among the nations, here are 9 ways marriage can glorify God among the nations.
- Husbands, loving your wife as Christ loves the church provides a beautiful picture of the gospel.
- Wives, loving your husband as the church loves Christ provides a beautiful picture of the church.
- When Christian marriages last they provide a beautiful picture of covenant relationships.
- When Christian marriages invest together they provide a beautiful picture of service.
- When Christian marriages celebrate together they provide a beautiful picture of joy.
- When Christian marriages weep together they provide a beautiful picture of mourning.
- When Christians marriages are fruitful and multiply they provide a beautiful picture of discipleship.
- When Christian marriages aren’t able to have children they provide a beautiful picture of contentment.
9. When Christian marriages love their neighbors they provide a beautiful picture of hospitality.