Upcoming Presidential Election 2024

by Chad Hunsberger on October 10, 2024

Church Family, 

As you know, we are just one month away from the presidential election. There has been a lot of division and polarizing language used by many Americans in recent months. Presidential elections always highlight differences and have the potential to divide people in harmful ways. However, it seems that this season has brought with it more hostile remarks and a greater sense of heaviness. 

This is another historic opportunity for Christians to demonstrate our confidence in Christ through our actions. I want to challenge you to follow these 4 action steps in the coming weeks. 

  1. Pray. Ask God to grant wisdom and clarity to all those voting. Ask Him to bring a peace that can only come from the Holy Spirit. Instead of praying for your preferred candidate to win, pray that the Lord’s will be done. Pray for both candidates and ask the Lord for their protection and for them to have wisdom as they proceed. Call upon God to do what only He can do!
  2. Unite. Remember that as Christians we are bound together as a family regardless of our political preferences. Let our interactions with each other demonstrate to our neighbors that we are united in Christ. Treat all people as image bearers of God and speak with humility and respect. 
  3. Proclaim. Jesus is King. Regardless of who becomes president, we follow the one true sovereign ruler of all. Make sure you prioritize evangelism even more during these days. It is easy to allow your conversations to be fixated on the election, but don’t let it overshadow the glorious gift of grace. 
  4. Rest. Be at peace. We have nothing to fear. No matter who sits in the Oval Office, we know who sits on the Eternal Throne. Even if your candidate loses, remember that Jesus has the ultimate victory (1 Corinthians 15:57).  

Be Joyful, 
Pastor Chad

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