Global Discipleship

Together, we glorify God by making disciples of ALL nations!

Local Ministries

BLESS gives you the tools to become a "Light" for Christ in your neighborhood. Join us as Christ followers who are devoted to being a Light in our neighborhoods by using a "Pray, Care, Share" approach to making disciples. Learn more about this easy-to-use online resource at or click the button below to sign up.


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Colonial Heights partners with area schools like Ann Smith and Ridgeland High School in several ways including providing for students' physical needs, providing event volunteers, faculty appreciation, and mentoring. To get involved with outreach through local school, just let Drew Baum know that you're interested.

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Ann Smith
Latino LIFEgrop

El Grupo de Vida en Español de Colonial Heights, ofrece compañerismo y enseñanza bíblica a todos los Latinos en nuestra comunidad que hablan español como primera lengua, a los miembros involucrados en la enseñanza del Ingles como segunda lengua (ESL) y participantes en las reuniones bilingües. Haznos saber si te gustaría ser parte de este grupo!

The Spanish-speaking Life Group at Colonial Heights offers Latinos in our community fellowship and biblical teaching in their first language. Members are involved in teaching English as a 2nd language (ESL) and bi-lingual services. Let us know if you'd like to be a part of this group.

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In the Hearts of Compassion ministry, our goal is to come alongside Christ-centered families who are called to adopt by providing emotional, spiritual, and financial support. We seek to mobilize the church to come together to fulfill the calling He has placed on the life of every Christian. Some are called to adopt, some are called to use their gifts and talents to minister, care, plan, organize, or give financially to support adoption.

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But God Ministries is a non-profit organization, that shares the love of Jesus Christ through building sustainable communities around the world. We are currently building one in the Miss. Delta. The community where we are working is Jonestown, MS which is located in the northwest part of Mississippi about 12 miles northeast of Clarksdale. To find out more about the effort, visit 

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International Missions

Colonial Heights is partnered with Four Corners Ministries in Uganda. Four Corners works within a strategy that incorporates four methods: GO, SHOW, TELL, and TEACH. Their ministry includes Living Stones Churches, Abaana's Hope Child Development Center, the Women's Refuge Center, Life Beads Jewelry Ministry, and the Living Stones Christian School. There are 3 Missionary families serving in Northern Uganda. They are the Edgars, Mobbs, and Hagins. Please continue to pray for East Africa and visit to learn more.
Colonial Heights has engaged in a disciple-making relationship with 20schemes. Their desire is to see Scotland’s housing schemes transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ through the revitalization and planting of gospel-preaching churches, ultimately led by a future generation of indigenous church leaders. We currently partner with Hope Community Church in Edinburgh led by Gerald White,  and The Merkinch Free Church in Inverness led by Chris Davidson. Visit to learn more about how you can support this ministry. 
The people of the Himalayas consist of many Unreached, Unengaged People Groups (UUPG). They are primarily influenced by Tibetan Buddhist and Hindu religious practices. Colonial Heights partners with organizations that provide entry into the region through humanitarian efforts including clean water, education, healthcare and anti-trafficking efforts to gain opportunities to share the gospel. Pray specifically that God would bless these efforts in an environment that is considered closed.
But God Ministries shares the love of Jesus Christ through building sustainable communities around the world. We are currently part of building two in Haiti. The first is in Galette Chambon and  second is in Thoman, near the Dominican Republic. Our short-term teams have helped with home construction, painting, VBS, Women's Bible studies, and Medical and Pharmaceutical projects. We hope that you will be a part of an upcoming team working in Haiti, and to find out more about But God Ministries, visit
E3 Partners has been a driving force in the spread of the gospel across Colombia. As E3 sought to plant new churches in Barranquilla and Santa Marta, Colonial Heights teams assisted in teaching personal evangelism, mentoring, and encouragement. To learn more about resources and serving opportunities available through our partnership with E3, visit

Check back to find out more about upcoming opportunities to be "Sent" with a short-term team by visiting our Trips page.

Trips Page

Questions About Missions

It's not unusual to have questions about serving Internationally, especially if this will be your first trip. If you have questions about serving, or are thinking that God may be calling you to serve mid-term or long-term in another context, we would like to talk with you.

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Kiley H

Global Discipleship Pastor

office: (601) 956-5000

mobile: (601) 573-4973

Drew Baum

Adult Discipleship Minister

office: (601) 956-5000

mobile: (601) 988-2757

Marsha Rossell

Discipleship Assistant

office: (601) 956-5000

mobile: (281) 610-6190