You alone are God, Creator of all and sovereign King of Kings. You deserve honor when our situations are good and even when devastating. You are still trustworthy.
Your Word reminds us to cast all our cares on you because you care for us so we are bringing one of our cares to you. The people of Israel are in great danger and are certainly grieving. We lay them at your feet entrusting them to your care. We ask that you comfort them in their sorrow and protect them from further harm.
This conflict remains a horrific situation and is in need of your mighty hand to intervene. Remember your name and your renown. Display yourself as the strong tower and stir the people to run to you. Draw them to yourself as the rock and fortress of protection.
Grant wisdom to all the leaders involved. Those in Israel, the US, as well as those in the UN particularly need wisdom from you, might you grant this prayer.
We trust you to do what is best. Ultimately, may your will be done, O God.
We are grieving and our hearts are broken. We are saddened for our brothers and sisters in these war-torn places and need to offer hope in the darkness. We feel lost and without an answer as we watch the terror from afar. Only you can save, only you can comfort, only you can make whole. We plead with you, God, to bring about restoration and true peace.
In the name of Jesus, who is the Christ, AMEN